Crafty Journals – Mum's Makery

Crafty Journals

This is a little flurry into something (well two somethings) that I absolutely love...

Organisation & Stationery! 

At the moment the journals can only be purchased through amazon so they will not feature in the main shop on my website (yet) I am working on solutions but for now this is the simplest way to get you the links. 

The links below are for but you can find them on most of the global amazon sites.

Journal 1 - A blank Journal   Journal 2 - A Crafty Journal
This Journal is completely blank to allow your creative juices to run wild.

This is a project based journal and offer a lot of different pages and page types for every type of project. 

The book has enough space for 10 whole projects with tons of pages specifically designed to help you make, create and note all your crafty adventures.


I am working on a Mum's Makery specific journal which I hope will be ready later this year.